Club Med conference

Mercredi 8 juillet 2020 de 13h00 à 14h00 sur inscription

Changeons nous les idées et parlons voyages et vacances !

Le club conférence est fier de vous présenter sa prochaine conférence sur le thème : Les tendances des voyages touristiques post Covid-19, avec un exemple : le club med. Pour cette conférence, Mesdames Robin Bear et Lisa Cohen-Dumani nous emmènent dans des décors de rêve et des plages paradisiaques. Inscrivez - vous vite !

Ouvert aux membres et non-membres

Présentation entièrement en anglais.

Attention cette conférence se tiendra exceptionnellement le mercredi 8 juillet de 13h à 14h et non pas le vendredi.

C’est avec plaisir que nous vous proposons une conférence en ligne sur les tendances du voyage touristique après Covid-19 avec pour exemple le club med. Cette présentation sera animée par la spécialiste du voyage de luxe Lisa Cohen-Dumani de McCabe World Travel et Robin Bear, responsable du développement commercial du Club Med. Lisa discutera des effets actuels de Covid-19 sur l’industrie du voyage et des tendances actuelles des voyages touristique. Robin discutera des protocoles et procédures de sécurité du Club Med et de la réouverture des complexes Club Med dans le monde.

Please join us for an informative webinar on Travel Trends Post Covid-19. This presentation will be hosted by Luxury Travel Specialist Lisa Cohen-Dumani of McCabe World Travel and Robin Bear, Business Development Manager of Club Med. Lisa will discuss current Covid-19’s effects on the travel industry and current trends in vacation travel. Robin will discuss Club Med’s safety protocols and proceedures and the reopening of Club Med Resorts around the world.

Seminar in English only

Please, note this conference will exceptionally be held on Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. instead of Friday from 1 p.m to 2 p.m.

About the speakers

Lisa Cohen-Dumani is a Washington, DC area native with travel in her blood. Her first career in consulting took her to Paris where she worked for several years, met her Swiss husband, learned the French language and became an avid Francophile. After five years in France and Switzerland, she moved back to Bethesda to start a family and took a break from the corporate world. When her youngest of four children entered kindergarten, she decided to pursue her newfound passion to travel and help others discover the world as she had. For several years, she provided corporate travel assistance to several French executives in the Northeast, but has focused solely on leisure travel since 2018.
Some of her fondest memories were made at Club Med resorts with her extended family from Switzerland, and she has loved watching her children grow as truly bi-continental, bi-lingual citizens.

Robin’s diversified travel industry experience began over 20 years ago in New Hampshire working with a small regional airline, a car rental company and a travel agency. She moved to Southern California for 5 years managing Newport Center Travel and then back to the east coast to Washington, DC in 1993 where she worked with CapStar Hotels, in the companies’ Caribbean Hotel Division. She started her own company Destination Sales and Marketing 17 years ago, (1996-2014) working as an independent contractor representing major Caribbean Resorts, River Cruise Lines, Tour Operators, Airlines and Car Rental Companies.

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